In Reply to: this picture of Biden proves we are lying posted by russsmith on December 28, 2024 at 00:47:34
Also please ignore the part about the author of the NY Post story having previously worked for the Washington Examiner and in specifics having covered the Trump whitehouse for the Washiungton Examiner.
Also ignore the story he wrote in 2020 saying Covid was made in a lab and released by the Democrats to harm Trump.
And ignore the time he threw a literal hissy fit in 2023 when the WH press reporter didn't call on him screaming she hadn't called on him in months and was censoring the 4th largest newspaper in the US. That was after they earlier informed his employer that their employee, Steven Nelson, was repeatedly and intentionally disrupting WH press events and they either needed to get him to follow rules, or they wouldn't let him participate.