In Reply to: Reasons why 16 would be a better tournament posted by Dr.Bruin on December 21, 2024 at 19:02:48
You never get less controversy. We have controversy every year in the hoops tourney and that’s 68. Someone is also pissed.
There is no reason to be playing more games. The number of years one can’t identify the two best teams is very very small. This year it was clear too — Oregon and Georgia. The only wrinkle there is maybe you downgrade Uga because their QB was KOed in its champ game.
How the committee ranked PennState over OhionState, to me is headscratching. It’s not like Penn State actually went to Happy Valley and won or anything. Then you have ND. Theybare tough to analyze because they didn’t play much of a schedule. In my mind you have to beat someone.